Lani in Logan
Monday, February 25, 2008
Last fall, I tried out to sing the national anthem for a USU basketball game. I was selected and scheduled for the 21st of February. This left me lots of time to prepare, or completely freak myself out, which I did. For weeks before I would just shake when I thought about it. I prayed and prayed that the Lord would help me to just be able to sing the best that I could. I carefully planned the week before the game so I go to go to the temple two days before, fasted the day before, and made sure my dad wasn't on call at the hospital so he could be there early enough to give me a blessing. I even had a back-up in case my dad got held up at the hospital- my friend Brett was ready and waiting just in case.
Even with all the preparation and precautions I had taken, I was still terrified. Then I found a scripture one day in institute. My class was looking at D&C 11:7, but my eyes went to D&C 11:10.
"Behold, thou hast a gift, or thou shalt have a gift if ye desire of me in
It's actually a revelation to Hyrum Smith, but I felt like it was just to me. I realized that if I really had faith in the Lord, I wouldn't be scared. So I just decided to stop being scared, right then and there. I could be nervous, but I would put faith before fear.
Whenever I started to think about it, I reminded myself that the Lord loves me and wants to help me. If I did everything I could to be ready and have the Spirit with me, He would help me overcome my fear. I wasn't worried about my ability; I knew I could sing the song. However, I have this tendency to do great when I practice, but freak out in front of the audience so my actual performance isn't even close to what I'm capable of. This performance though, this one was amazing. I really think it was the best performance of my life. Usually when I perform, my knees shake. No matter how confident I am, my knees just shake. It's just the adrenaline rush, I guess. But I stepped out on that court and felt completely calm, no shaking whatsoever. I just stood there with my hand on my heart and sang the Star-Spangled Banner like it was just another practice.
What an amazing feeling! It might be the best I've felt in my whole life. Part of it was that I had done something difficult and scary, but it was mostly just the rush of the Spirit that came over me. I didn't feel like I was so talented or anything, I just felt grateful. I feel like my testimony doubled in that moment. I knew that the Lord was there, that He knew and loved me, and that faith in Him makes things possible. It was amazing. How's that for a testimony-builder?

Eat your heart out Francis Scott Key.

posted by Lani @ 11:31 AM  
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Name: Lani
About Me: - Freshman at Utah State University - English Major - Music Minor
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